Got 3 coyotes on Sunday, could of got more.


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Yesterday I was calling coyotes by myself and chose to use my rifle on the first stand. I had one coyote run in and it never stopped so I didn't shoot at it. After switching to Pup Distress 3 on full volume I had another coyote run up to about 20 yards from my Foxpro and then turn and run off out to about 200 yards away and stop, I missed this coyote with my 223AI using my shooting sticks.

On the second stand I had a coyote show up heading for my Foxpro when it got to about 150 yards away I muted the sound and the coyote stopped at about 100 yards away. I shot this coyote laying prone with my Harris Bi-Pod. Then I witched to Pup Distress 3 on full volume again, about 4 minutes later I see 3 coyotes about 400 yards away heading for my Foxpro.

When these 3 coyotes got to about 200 yards away I muted the sound and they kept trotting towards my Foxpro. I lip squeaked at them and woofed at them and they kept coming. They got to within 30 yards of my Foxpro and turned to leave, I shot and missed with my 223AI again. If I had been laying 15 yards from the Foxpro with my shotgun I would have had a good chance to kill all 3 of these coyotes withe 6 TSS loads in my shotgun.
IMG_1444 by Robert Morris, on Flickr
This is the coyote I shot with my rifle.

On my way between stands I saw a bunch of Tule Elk bulls.
IMG_1449 by Robert Morris, on Flickr

Quite a few stands later I was walking into a big canyon bottom that has been very good to me in the past. I was carrying my shotgun and my 6mm Creedmoor. On my way to the stand I heard a coyote call 600 to 800 yards up on the side of the canyon.

When I set up my Foxpro in the bottom of the canyon I climbed up into some big rocks about 20 yards up above the canyon bottom. I had my shotgun in my hands and my rifle ready to go next to me. I started playing Prairie Dog Distress and about 5 minutes later I see a big dark coyote heading down the steep canyon wall, across the canyon about 400 yards away on my down wind side.

This coyote crossed the canyon bottom to my side of the canyon and at about 80 yards away went out of my sight. That is when I turned to my right so I could shoot my shotgun easier in that direction. The coyote was about to get my wind. Just about 10 seconds later I see the coyote closer to me and it turns and stops broadside looking towards my Foxpro. I shot it with my shotgun with a 3" 1-1/2 oz load of TSS #3 shot. The coyote fell stone dead and didn't even wiggle.

The coyote was laying 64 big steps away from where I shot. It was one of the biggest coyotes I have ever shot.
IMG_1463 by Robert Morris, on Flickr
IMG_1468 by Robert Morris, on Flickr

On my last stand of the day I walked over a big grassy mountain top and scared off two does and saw a coyote run off to my right. So I started out playing Blacktail Fawn in Distress and then switched to Pup Distress 3 a few minutes later. Within 2 or 3 minutes a coyote showed up to my left and I shot it with my shotgun.
IMG_1478 by Robert Morris, on Flickr

If I would of had a good rifle shooter with me and I just used a shotgun we could of had 6 or 7 coyotes yesterday instead of 3 coyotes. LOL
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that is still a good day of calling. it don effect you switching rifles in the middle of a hunt? I notice it, especially the difference it trigger pull weight, it takes a minute to get in tune with the rifle
that is still a good day of calling. it don effect you switching rifles in the middle of a hunt? I notice it, especially the difference it trigger pull weight, it takes a minute to get in tune with the rifle
I took the two different rifles to shoot them at paper to make sure they were still on. The trigger pull is way better on my 6mm Creedmoor than the trigger on my Tikka 223AI. After shooting at paper I realized how much better the trigger is on my 6mm Creedmoor is than the trigger on my Tikka. That is why I switched to the 6mm Creedmoor.

Most of my coyote calling rifle shooting in the past has been from the prone position with a Bi-Pod. This year we got enough rain that the weeds and grass are to tall for shooting prone.
@derbyacresbob might I suggest upgrading your trigger spring on the Tikka rifle. I think I bought one from Mountain Tactical for $10 plus shipping. In my opinion it really helps improve the trigger on Tikka rifles, more crisp and lighter pull.