Fun with bulls


Retired PM Staff
I went duck hunting today and had an interesting time with Angus bulls. The rancher had been running cows in the river bottlom and was gathering them last time I was there. Well he turned the bulls out in it. Coming back to the landing the bulls were in high spirits shoving and bellowing at each other when I arrived and decided I made a great target. Bellowing, kicking up dirt and some short chargers wouldn't let me load up the canoe. Finally they moved up onto the trail and I was able to Haze them away with the truck. It was kind of exciting, made up for the crappy duck hunting. For some reason range cows/bulls seem to have a grudge against me. One took out the van window a couple years ago and I've had a couple close calls in the field.

I shot my biggest mule deer in a pasture with angus bulls. When I arrowed him, he ran right through the middle of them and out of sight. Those freakin things would not let me through the area to follow the blood trail! They bluff charged and raised hell with me for a good half hour. I eventually had to circle a good distance around them and luckily ran into the buck dead in a ravine I had to cross.

Buck ended up dead with his nose right at the tip of some crap, so I named him “bullshit” haha.