FREQ calls

FREQ Calls

Since they're not available yet, it's hard to say how good they are or will be. If I'm not mistaken this "Coming Soon" company has been saying this for sometime.

Like you, I interested in this as well.
On another forum it was reported by the designer that they are supposed to be starting delivery at the end of September or October. - just not sure which year (lol).
Wade over at Texas Predator Hunters is testing and reviewing them currently I believe. Several teams used them during the Texas Big Bobcat contest last weekend I heard? I think there are some opinions forth coming shortly from that.
I seen some reviews that battery life is crap and they send you 2 batteries and it can use D batteries. That right there tells me to stay clear of it. Also, the remote range was good out to maybe 60 yards. At 2000$ price tag they can keep it. Don't think it is going to be around long. Now foxpro has the 360 that I read about, and it has the same technology and it's going to be around 1000$. Couple reviews on YouTube about the freq and if read the comment sections you can get an idea of what is what. Mike Dillion did a you tube about the 360 and the new xt2000 remote also. Foxpro is the one I would wait for. They been around for a very long time. I would trust throwing money at a Foxpro for 1000$ then 2000$ at a new company and product that no one has any idea how long they will be around. And we have seen this a lot with new companies and products.
I bought one of the first ones out, I sent 2 of them back because of issues they had, poor battery life, and an issue with the remote. The company worked with me unbelievably well, The third one, the batteries life is much better, and the issue with the remote is solved, it was a bad solder joint that caused them to shut down when bumped. Each time I called they asked if I wanted an exchange or money back. I am impressed with the way animals react to the ultrasonic sound, you can see a difference.

They have also added a number of sounds available to download for FREE, I can't believe how easy the process worked. I laugh when I hear that other companies say that high frequency sounds are not necessary or don't work but now are chasing their tail to get one released. I do wish it were made in the USA, but that as long as the company stands behind them I can live with it.

I will add that when I asked for an exchange, they put it in the mail that day and didn't wait until they had mine in return. I have no regrets.
Good to hear they are standing behind it. I'm also impressed about the free sounds. I wonder how long that offer stands? Good on you for not throwing in the towel, and thanks for the review.
But will it call in more than a FoxPro, Lucky Duck, or Icotec, that's the question isn't it? Seems to me like there isn't a perfect way to test one. Best I can think of is to call for 20 minutes with any of the other calls, and then call with the Freq to see if anything responds that didn't come in on ordinary calls. It would be necessary to use similar sounds on both units, but of course coyotes could be coming on the ordinary sounds and not be seen until the Freq started playing. I can't see any other way to really draw a comparison. If coyotes often come to the Freq after the ordinary calls have been played then perhaps one could justify 2 grand for a call.
A key feature is the ability to direct frequencies I suspect.

There's a 30 day warranty or something like that on them ain't there? The only way I would know to really compare one call to another would be to hunt with each for a season and document how many animals you called in. To be on a level playing field you would have to go out the same amount of times and make the same stands with both and under similar weather conditions. Which wouldn't be very easy so you'd just make it a point not to go out if the wind is blowing over so many miles per hour or whatever. You'd have to plan to match weather conditions based off of the season before to get a fairly even comparison. On top of that you'd have to kill every animal you called up so you couldn't blame the blank stand on coyotes or whatever being educated.

And even at that there would be no way to know how well it worked compared to the other because maybe the predator population isn't the same as the season before.

If the FREQ is that much better, in theory it wouldn't matter as long as you're in the same vicinity as the animals you're trying to call up. 30 days ain't enough time to know how it's going to perform compared to something else. At the very least 1 full predator huntin season would be the minimum amount of time it'd take to see how well it works. In my opinion.

Unless of course you turn it on and see coyotes popping up over every hill within 1,000 yards the first time you use it. Then okay, that would be pretty evident that it's better.
If the Freq was calling in Coyotes at a phenomenal rate we would have heard about it by now.

Its been out for some time now and the reviews have been marginal especially considering the cost of the unit.