Fox Pro Hell Cat


New member
First post here been doing a lot of reading tons of great info. Newbie predator hunter long time big game hunter looking to target coyotes in Central and Western Massachusetts. I have decided on the Fox pro Hell cat my question is should I go with the factory sound list or should I pick a custom list and if so what would be the must have calls ? Thanks in advance.
I don't know much about that call, but if that's the one you want I would go ahead and buy the MFK edition call from their website. MFK calls are very good plus by the time you add a sound here and there you could have already just bought their version.
Yes, a Hellcat. January or February and it took 7 days to Texas,

I also ordered a bunch of their mouth calls about four or fives years ago with the deliver times taking 21 days.....then again two had to be made and I was down the list.

PS: When you order from them, they send you a personal note thanking you too
Yes, a Hellcat. January or February and it took 7 days to Texas,

I also ordered a bunch of their mouth calls about four or fives years ago with the deliver times taking 21 days.....then again two had to be made and I was down the list.

PS: When you order from them, they send you a personal note thanking you too
Thanks for the info they definitely lack communication skills with answering emails and giving shipping updates .
I ordered my Inferno 3 years ago, at the time I ordered they were out and weighting on a shipment from Foxpro took a week to get it to me, as for the response on emails I think it is just Torry and his wife that operate the business.