Factory Ammo for R-15?


New member
I have a Bryon South edition R-15 coming next week. What factory ammo and grain would be the best to start with. The caliber is .223, not sure of rate of twist on barrel. Could not find it on the Rem website. I was looking at the Black Hills ammo, maybe the V-max. Also what scope mount is perfered for the R-15? I will be mounting a Leupold 3x9x40 vari-x II. This rig is for yotes primarily. Thanks guys.
I've been having some trouble with ballistic tip ammo on coyotes. I've switched to using nosler partition 60 gr. bullets and am knocking them stupid now. The ballisitc tips were splashing on coyotes if I had to do anything more than shoot them in the neck or broadside boiler shots.

For factory ammo, I'm not sure you can buy partition ammo and if you can, it'll be EXPENSIVE. I hear good things about the winchester white box ammo. I think it's a hollow point bullet. I'm sure there will be some people that shoot it chime in soon.

I know that Federal makes soem 223 premium stuff that should do well. I just am having probles with the 22 cal. BT bullets not getting the job done consistenly. I've killed a ton with them, but I've not been happy with their consistent killing odds. Black Hills makes some fine loads. Maybe give them a call.

You'll love the R-15.. I've been hunting coyotes for 20 years with a bolt gun and have done well and still like them better. But for efficient coyote blasting, I suggest the semi auto guns. I picked the R-15 because I'm a huge remington man and the also like camo finish..!! Good luck with yours..
I have been shooting black hills 60 grain v-max (ballistic tip) and am going to switch back to black hills 52 grain hollow points for the same reason stated above I have had more coyotes run with the 60's but left a nice blood trail to follow but very few untrack with the 52's. I am going to start reloading my own after the first of the year. I use armalite one piece scope mount or larue tactical mount.
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I forgot the second half of the question. I'm using the Leupold Mark 4 tactical rings in the super high config. THey allow me to mount a scope, have good eye alignment and not have to use a riser... They are expensive, but so are most good things..!!
For a good mount get a LaRue tactical.
I haven't had a chance to hunt 'yotes yet, 'cause I've been busy chasing deer around, but I've had good groups with Black hills 55 gr. soft point ammo. Shot three deer so far this year with this set up. One in the head, one in the ribs went about 20 yards, another high in the ribs went about 50 yards.



The twist rate on the 18" should be 1 in 9. Whatever ammo you use, SHOT PLACEMENT is the key. Shot a couple more deer this year with my .270 this year that went about as far as my .223, but I shot a coyote last year with my .270 - that sucker bled all over the place for about 60 yards then dried up - never did find that 'yote... Enjoy your new gun!
I haven't shot them out of my new R-15 yet, but I had great luck w/ the Black Hills 52 gr. hollow points. I've had similar results w/ the BT's. Some just flat out dead, where others ran a bit. Shot placement has been decent, about 90% were stationary targets. I plan to run the 52 hp's in my R-15 as soon as I get it broke in, provided it shoots them well.