Custom Call Maker
Dress Fighter.
Drop Point River Damascus, gripped with Amboyna Burl, double pinned with brass and mosaic.
6.5" cutting edge, 12" overall.
Crossdraw sheath.
Designed for formal dress suit carry!
Asking $350
471198298_1104160998169843_5991596208237218529_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr
471617334_1104160821503194_4089675207791249852_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr
471315748_1104161004836509_8401185201802046290_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr
Drop Point River Damascus, gripped with Amboyna Burl, double pinned with brass and mosaic.
6.5" cutting edge, 12" overall.
Crossdraw sheath.
Designed for formal dress suit carry!
Asking $350
471198298_1104160998169843_5991596208237218529_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr
471617334_1104160821503194_4089675207791249852_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr
471315748_1104161004836509_8401185201802046290_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr