Double tonight


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Went out and set up on the corner of our woods facing north. There is bean stubble on 3 sides of the woods and neighbors corn on the east side. i like to call from here because there is a long swampy grass area to the north and a 1/2 mile long valley to the east with tall grass and brush. Set up with my caller about 85 yds to the west of me. Started with a soft bird sound to see if anything was close by. Then I went to a mom and pup serenade. I just got 2 new hand calls from JTPinTX. And I like to combine the sounds when I think it works. When the pup came into serenade I started my best Jackrabbit crying/drying sound I can do. The valley to the east of me came alive. There was a group of young one just a hollering back at me. Went quite and waited. Nothing and more of nothing was happening. Put on a pup distress and was keeping an eye on the east of me. Then I see them coming. I put down my scanner and looking through the scope figuring as soon as they cross the fence they would stop and look. Wrong they came a running thru. Had to move 2 times as I was trying to get them to stop. The first one stopped and I shot and down she went, she was a flopping and growling aloud. Another one run up to her and I shot and 2 are down. I grab my scanner and see 2 more running to the north. It was a great night out.
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Went out and set up on the corner of our woods facing north. There is bean stubble on 3 sides of the woods and neighbors corn on the east side. i like to call from here because there is a long swampy grass area to the north and a 1/2 mile long valley to the east with tall grass and brush. Set up with my caller about 85 yds to the west of me. Started with a soft bird sound to see if anything was close by. Then I went to a mom and pup serenade. I just got 2 new hand calls from JTPinTX. And I like to combine the sounds when I think it works. When the pup came into serenade I started my best Jackrabbit crying/drying sound I can do. The valley to the east of me came alive. There was a group of young one just a hollering back at me. Went quite and waited. Nothing and more of nothing was happening. Put on a pup distress and was keeping an eye on the east of me. Then I see them coming. I put down my scanner and looking through the scope figuring as soon as they cross the fence they would stop and look. Wrong they came a running thru. Had to move 2 times as I was trying to get them to stop. The first one stopped and I shot and down she went, she was a flopping and growling aloud. Another one run up to her and I shot and 2 are down. I grab my scanner and see 2 more running to the north. It was a great night out. View attachment 3882View attachment 3880
Good Job!!
Good job! I'm glad those calls seem to be working out for you. It was a nice set, they sounded good, and looked good too!

I have not been out near as much as I would like. The last few times I have gotten distracted chasing pigs as well.