DIY Bluetooth Electronic Call


New member
What's up guys, new to the forum so I'm looking forward to learning a lot. I posted this on a FB hunting page any had a lot of positive feedback. I thought I'd share it here to see if it would spark any ideas with people that are a little crafty like me.

Long story short, I'm getting into Coyote hunting and naturally went to my local Scheel's to check out electronic calls. Only to find out they are very expensive. I know there are cheaper options $1-200, however, I didn't want my options and volume output to be that limited. So I decided to research if I could build one myself.

I found several videos/blogs from literally over a decade ago from people trying the same thing but nothing recent. Like hooking up a mp3 player via aux cord old hahaha.

So I got to work. Ordered a few things from Amazon to make this happen. I knew I wanted something loud, and had a good bluetooth range. This was going to require higher wattage and possibly an antenna.

Products for this build as follows:

-50w Bluetooth amplifier board w/ antenna base $24

-Dewalt (or powertool battery of your choice) 20v DC adapter for kids powerwheels $15

-100w PA Speaker horn (50w would be ok) $28


-2.4 GHz antenna, bigger the better $9

-Ipex4 base connectors (get a big pack, you'll screw up a handful of them) $8

-Waterproof case, Harbor Freight Apache brand case works perfect $15?

I mention the antenna is optional because if you are putting the speaker within 20ft of you in a plastic case, it should be fine. If you use a metal case such as an ammo can, that will disrupt the signal and you will need an antenna. If you want some good range, at least 40+ yards, the antenna is a must.

Your phone connects to the Bluetooth very easily and acts as the remote.

As for how to put together, its very self explanatory. The circuit board comes with a DC plug that the battery wires go directly into, just match positive and negative. And speaker wires go directly onto the speaker post of the board. The antenna is a different story and requires some soldering. Let me know if you're interested and I can show or find a video that shows how to do it.

Once all fitted together I took it in the back yard and it stayed connected all the way across my yard (50 yards) and was SCREAMING loud.

Next a simple paint job and now I can't wait to get it in the field. Considering I already had the hard case, I'm all in for about $80 for a call is that as loud as the $900 calls, I can play any sound you can think of, don't have a remote to lose. And honestly if it breaks or whatever, it was only $80.
I like it! Ingenuity and foresight brought together in a free thinker! You know there are literally thousands of sounds to be downloaded from the web so, no restrictions.(y)
I am super intrigued by this. I was going to buy a Foxpro Prowler. They are only $160. But this set up should be way louder. How do the calls sound off of apps? I have a couple downloaded, (predator pro and predator calls are two) but they sound like garbage off of my phone's speaker.
Now you have a $1000. remote to lose plus your out a phone.

I have FP CS-24, and WT callers and the one that's been my go-to last season and this is my little FP Patriot. Sometimes I think volume is overrated.

20-30 years ago I built a remote e-caller, killed a lot of critters over it. It was a pain to use with multiple on/off switches and batteries to charge.

Factory callers have a lot going for them
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Very interesting. FWIW, volume isn’t everything, and at times volume is a deterrent to successful coyote calling. Let us know how it works, and good luck.
Ingenuity at it's finest! I like the idea! Seems that bluetooth range varies though. Don't know which end limits the range, the phone or the device? I don't reckon I ever set my call out much past a few hundred feet anyway so a setup like this may work great! Not to mention the plethora of sounds available online, right at your fingertips!