Deer Season


Well-known member
So, who's getting ready? Ours is already in, but I usually don't start going until October. However, it is about time to start on the food plots.
Our season opens 09/14. If my bucks aren’t consistent I’ll head to our doe stand and start thinning. Or I might just pick a pine in the quail woods and climb up just to watch and see what I can see.
Early archery in our northern zone starts Sept 27th, and southern zone Oct 1st. I usually don’t go much until mid Oct as that was our start date up until a few years back. Hunting early and in the warmer weather just doesn’t feel right! Lol. I like it better when we hopefully get a little cooler weather.

The last few seasons have been much warmer than normal here. I don’t know how you southern guys handle the heat! I remember a couple southern tier archery openers in the 80’s and 90’s where we had snow and freezing temps. Seems anymore we get more cold rain instead of snow.
Last week of October for me. No archery tag this year because I have an antelope tag and a a bear hunt out in Missoula planned.
Hunting early and in the warmer weather just doesn’t feel right!
Haven't hunted deer in over 10 years, coyotes are a lot more fun. :ROFLMAO: But when I did hunt them, if you didn't hunt warm weather, you just didn't hunt much in S TX. Have seen 80* on Christmas day a number of times. Regular season opens around Nov 1 and runs through mid January so we do usually have cooler weather in the latter season. Plenty of deer in TX, no drawing for tags.
Haven't hunted deer in over 10 years, coyotes are a lot more fun. :ROFLMAO: But when I did hunt them, if you didn't hunt warm weather, you just didn't hunt much in S TX. Have seen 80* on Christmas day a number of times. Regular season opens around Nov 1 and runs through mid January so we do usually have cooler weather in the latter season. Plenty of deer in TX, no drawing for tags.
Yes but they probably taste terrible 🤪. Gotta have my venison
I wouldn't know about that, Meg, but pretty sure you are right. :ROFLMAO: When I started hunting Gemsbok, nilgai, scimitar horns I quit deer hunting to keep the freezer stocked.
Haven't hunted deer in over 10 years, coyotes are a lot more fun. :ROFLMAO: But when I did hunt them, if you didn't hunt warm weather, you just didn't hunt much in S TX. Have seen 80* on Christmas day a number of times. Regular season opens around Nov 1 and runs through mid January so we do usually have cooler weather in the latter season. Plenty of deer in TX, no drawing for tags.
I’m certainly a guy that handles cold better than heat, but I’m sure I would acclimate quickly if I had an opportunity to get on some Texas ranches. There’s some beautiful deer down there!
I moved to WA from WI and was invited to early MZL season in Sept buckskinner camp. I couldn't believe how hot it was. By 9 o'clock I went back to the truck and threw my rifle in the back and grabbed my flyrod, the creek was cool to wade in. What was worse was battling yellowjackets trying to dress the deer and then flying into town to get to the processor before it spoiled.. I liked hanging them in a tree and bring them in into the basement to thaw before cutting up. From then on I hunted the late season, the deer came out of the mountains and they slide much better on the snow, no yellow jackets and no need for processor.
There’s some beautiful deer down there!
There sure are, and we are blessed with quite a few in the S. TX brush country.
It's crazy that some places have to draw for deer tags. I bet we have 100 deer a square mile around here.
sounds like about the numbers on my dad's place. our resident herd is ~75-100 animals. or at least thats the high count we typically see out in the big field in the evenings anyway. we have roughly 140 acres (just shy of a sq half mile) but share that herd with several connecting neighbors who make up our mile square section.

its so bad here in Michigan they've dropped the price of doe tags to $5 each during the new extended antlerless season (jan 2-12th), and they're again allowing the use of any legal firearm during our traditional muzzleloading season (dec 6-15th) . they've also extended the early/late antlerless seasons to public land (used to be private only)

so you can essentially take a doe from nov 15th until jan 12th with a firearm, as well as an early doe weekend sept 21/22

archery is from oct 1 all the way thru jan 31 (in limited counties, the rest end jan 16)

sadly we're only allowed 10 deer per hunter each season (ie 2024 total combined seasons), up to 2 of which can be antlered.
What was worse was battling yellowjackets trying to dress the deer and then flying into town to get to the processor before it spoiled..
LOL. Been there, done that, Erich, and didn't even get a T shirt. One hot Sunday afternoon I could not locate a cooler open that would store my buck and actually fired up the AC wide open in my office and left the buck until I could get it in a cooler the next day.