Deer hunting suppressed


Well-known member
I’m an archery hunter for the most part, all bucks get killed with a bow and a few does. But, we have to take a rather good amount of does for management purposes.

I’d bought a new Ruger American Gen 2 in .308 this past Summer and have yet to use it. My son killed one with it and my DIL used it to shoot 4 the beginning of last week.

Well, I put the archery equipment away and have been shooting a doe or two a day this past week.

I have a Banish 30 on the end and I’m absolutely in love with rifle hunting again. Squeezing that trigger and hearing the bullet thump while watching them drop in the scope is as much fun as shooting coyotes and hogs at night with the thermal.

This evening the manager where I hunt was hunting somewhat close to me and he heard me shoot and immediately called from his deer stand and said that was the absolute coolest thing he’d ever heard, lol.

He said it didn’t sound like a rifle shot at first, but he heard the bullet THUMP the deer and remembered I was shooting suppressed. He then started asking about hearing protection and recoil. Needless to say he got down and came to where I was and shot the rifle a couple of times. He’s now in the market for a suppressor, lol.

I know a lot of folks that don’t want to go through the hassle and think it should be a “right” to purchase one outright, but once people shoot one, they let all those thoughts go out the window and bite the bullet.
Think I have had more than a hand full of people seeing my desire & stubborn apprehension to lay down the cash for the tax stamp to allow me to go on, to purchase that muffler for my target plinking rifle / hunting rifle. The resounding suggestion is just do it. Easy enough for them to say. My budget has me driving a 2008 Colorado as my every day vehicle. So the expense of the hearing protection is significant to me. Then, tack on another couple hundred bucks & yes, the decision to pony up is quite significant. Congratulations.
I agree.

My CVA Scout 350 Legend has been my favorite deer rifle for the past three years. However, now since I am so used to shooting suppressed I have kinda replaced it with my 6.5cm until I get a .38 suppressor. Shooting suppressed makes shooting so much more enjoyable. You want to see something even more impressive. Buy some subsonics for that .308. I was going to shoot some does with mine this year, but decided against for the time being.
I “had” some subsonics and my son took the rifle and bullets to work to shoot. By the time everyone at his work played with the rifle, I had none left, lol!
It started with just him and a buddy, then they were so impressed he called his boss and a couple other buddies and another manager to all come shoot. I was recovering from a new hip at the time so I was never able to shoot the subsonics. I need to order me another box.
I recently got an Omega 300 out of NFA jail. Along with other rifles, intend to use it on my Tikka in .270 Win. Gunsmith is chopping to 20” while threading. Considered going shorter, but didn’t want to give up too much velocity.

Have a friend that has a 20” .308 that suppresses fairly well. Can’t recall his suppressor, but it is his go to deer rifle. He claims that at the shot, deer can’t pinpoint his location. Often times deer will run straight towards him.

I have a Surefire Ryder rimfire can. In addition to the elimination of muzzle report, accuracy was enhanced with all rifles and loads. Hoping my Omega produces similar results.
Our season ended a few weeks ago and I ended up shooting a 2-3 does a day for about a week. Man that was fun!! Filled a couple freezers and donated all the others. Our season was cut a little short due to quail hunts and we still had folks wanting deer.
I’m considering getting a couple rifles threaded during the offseason just to be able to go suppressed with them next year.