Daughter first full day hunt!


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this past weekend I took my oldest daughter out for a full day of calling. She has been with me lots and lots but just for morning or evening hunts we haven’t grinded it out all day together. She did great, kept up with me all day, saw the coyotes getting killed, dragged coyotes to the truck, carried the call and her own chair. Plenty of snacks and drinks in the truck to keep her happy. We hunted pretty hard all morning till noon then relocated and explored some new areas and started hunting again around 3. All in all we had a blast and I think she is officially my new coyote hunting partner. I need to start working with her shooting and hopefully we can get her shooting them sooner than later.
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What a beautiful smile that young lady has on her face. Dad you have done great raisen her. Those are memories to last forever. Congrats
Great set of pictures. Really like the one where she is struggling to hold up the coyote.
Yes sir that’s my favorite as well. Finally killed one small enough for her to lift up.
What a fantastic day you 2 had.
Is that coyote in the first pic still alive.
Thank you!!
No sir all the coyotes were deader than dead.

Thank you all. I sure have enjoyed all the memories over the years with her in the desert. I found a picture of the first time taking her out, she must have only been 14-16 months old.