I would never proclaim to know all there is about coyotes. But over the years. I have been involved in discussions with others. Who no doubt, claimed they do. Two guys told me. A coyote does not use an old/abandoned den hole. The only time a coyote will use an old/abandoned den hole. "Is for rearing their pups". I informed them otherwise. Because I've seen instances. Where both a coyote & a Red Fox. Will/may indeed us an old den hole. Both of those guys then mocked me on my claim. When they mocked me. I instantly knew, they did not know it all. (Or as much as they both claimed). They made me chuckle actually. Both canines (from what I have seen). Will use an old den hole; During blizzards, being chased as well as being injured from being shot. That a side...The other discussion was with 1 experienced coyote houndsman. He claimed to me. Coyotes do NOT jump fences. They will go through or under a fence when chased. I thought right then. He didn't know as much as he claimed. Below is a coyote, one of 3. I watched one day. As they chased a small herd of deer. Geeze what do you know. They do jump fences
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