Constant vs pauses

If one ain't working, try the other.

Edited after hm responded.

In my opinion, coyote calling is similar in a lot of ways to fishing.
Sometime they are biting, sometimes they aren't. Sometimes certain sounds illicit or trigger a response and sometimes any sound will trigger them. Other times nothing works.
Nothing works all the time. But everything works some of the time.
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so far my success has actually just came from interrogation howls. But that’s from actually scouting and getting within their bubble
Same answer as Terry, both work, “sometimes.” I often vary the volume on my foxpro from full blast to half. I can’t say that has made a difference.
I think when you have them coming to prey distress, you can go straight from one sound to the next, and it works well. I'll go directly from fights to den raids, to pup distress, because that makes sense. When I howl, I wait. I'll run a series of howls, then pause for a few minutes. If they are taking a long time to come in, (call ins are 30mins or more), and I know I need to sit there for a while, I'll pause between each sound, but basically that's because it's hard to make noise for 45 minutes without running out of interesting sounds to play.
Just don't do what I did earlier tonight and switch sounds when one's coming in on a trot. My partner was watching one and I didn't hear him say one's coming. I switched from rat distress that I opened with in case something was close to a serenade and it turned him off and we didn't get a shot.

Ok that out of the way, either way can work. I'll only add that when I see one coming I don't stop calling until I'm ready for them to stop. I've seen a lot of times that when the music stops, the critter stops or starts circling. Likewise if one's coming in to silence I stay silent until it gives me a reason to make more noise.
We have quite a few respond at that 31 to 33 minute area after going quiet for some time. Always about the time we unload and tear down. Almost comical how they show right as someone unloads.
I’m still up in the air about constant calling vs breaks. My last few stands have been with 20sec preset breaks. I’ve killed but it just seems weird because I’ve always just let it run.
And I’m with the above poster, my guns stay loaded all year until they go in the safe. Even then mags and bullets are by each firearm if not in the gun ready to be chambered.
Since I use handcalls 95%+ of the time, I have to have a shorter sequence so I don't pass out, lol.

My sequence is about 15-30 seconds of calling, then quiet for 3-5 minutes, and repeat.

That works for me.

I know guys that use E-callers and they leave the machine run the entire time on stand, and it works for them.

It is very much like Crapshoot said.