China and Russia


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I’ve followed Jeff Nyquist for several years and he’s tried to warn many of our leaders of the Communist threat and that (contrary to most Americans belief today) the Cold War never ended. China has long planned to invade and take the lower 48, with Russia taking back Alaska when war finally comes.

Jeff has interviewed many KGB defectors over the years as well as speaking with people inside China about what’s happening there.
Here is his latest writing as well as a short video of his recent presentation on the subject.

China is on the brink of financial disaster economically. And they have no way to feed their people if that happens, as Nyquist explained. They want our farmland.
The U.S. is not the military power it once was. We have not built a nuclear weapon since 1992. The last one tested by the US was in Sept ‘92. We’ve got the Minute Man III. Admiral Richard (Strategic Command) said in Feb 2020 that we cannot extend the life of the Minute Man III any more. Our nuclear weapons will be past their shelf life in 3 more years…hmmm, that would have meant 2023 when he said that before Congress. So, 400 of our land based missiles that carry warheads are going to have to be scrapped soon. We do not have a replacement system. Our nuclear arsenal is unreliable now in 2024. Meanwhile, the Russians and Chinese have never stopped churning out missiles and nukes of their own. They know we are vulnerable. Our political “leaders” on both sides of the aisle have sold the American people out. They have signed worthless agreements with the Commies over the last 50+ years that see the U.S. deplete its own defenses of our homeland all the while believing the Communists will honor their word? Hell, we don’t even do civil defense training or drills like we used to in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Yet today, the Russian people do all the time.
It might not be in my lifetime, but America will be invaded, ie, a military invasion, by our enemies China and Russia. We are already seeing South American countries being run by new “elected” Communists. They are slowly squeezing us close to home, all the while the American public is clueless.
The U.S. is not the military power it once was. We have not built a nuclear weapon since 1992. The last one tested by the US was in Sept ‘92. We’ve got the Minute Man III. Admiral Richard (Strategic Command) said in Feb 2020 that we cannot extend the life of the Minute Man III any more. Our nuclear weapons will be past their shelf life in 3 more years…hmmm, that would have meant 2023 when he said that before Congress. So, 400 of our land based missiles that carry warheads are going to have to be scrapped soon. We do not have a replacement system. Our nuclear arsenal is unreliable now in 2024. Meanwhile, the Russians and Chinese have never stopped churning out missiles and nukes of their own. They know we are vulnerable. Our political “leaders” on both sides of the aisle have sold the American people out. They have signed worthless agreements with the Commies over the last 50+ years that see the U.S. deplete its own defenses of our homeland all the while believing the Communists will honor their word? Hell, we don’t even do civil defense training or drills like we used to in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Yet today, the Russian people do all the time.
It might not be in my lifetime, but America will be invaded, ie, a military invasion, by our enemies China and Russia. We are already seeing South American countries being run by new “elected” Communists. They are slowly squeezing us close to home, all the while the American public is clueless.

IMO a lot of people on the left would jump right on the bandwagon and would support a communist revolution/coup in the USA and would probably help. Look at the left in the USA today. A lot of them are completely mind ^%$%#$ with nonsense and marxist thought into hating their own country and anyone who wants to Make America Great Again. They'll jump on every bandwagon the mainstream news, entertainers, and all the half baked intellectuals of whom they idolize tell them to. I mean many are so brainwashed they believe Trump is literally hitler because that is what the mainstream news told them to think.
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it wont be nuclear. its coming from the inside through our open southern border. new ICE report claims almost half a million illegal immigrant criminals roaming our streets.
DHS and the FBI also reported people on the terror watch list got into the country too.

its coming from inside with the help of our corrupt politicians.
IMO a lot of people on the left would jump right on the bandwagon and would support a communist revolution/coup in the USA and would probably help. Look at the left in the USA today. A lot of them are completely mind ^%$%#$ with nonsense and marxist thought into hating their own country and anyone who wants to Make America Great Again. They'll jump on every bandwagon the mainstream news, entertainers, and all the half baked intellectuals of whom they idolize tell them to. I mean many are so brainwashed they believe Trump is literally hitler because that is what the mainstream news told them to think.
That would include some of our own politicians, watching what is transpiring is disgusting!
People like trump are only a speed bump in the road for the left, they will continue on with their agenda until they are in complete control, which looks like it's not that far down the road.

Remember MAD, "mutually assured destruction" in case of a nuclear war, as crapshoot said, "there are no winners"!
A must see if you haven't already.

Oh, I watched it when Shawn Ryan released it. She’s a journalist. Not an expert in any sense of the word about nuclear war. And her interview here as well as all the others she has done to promote the release of her book? Has been used via Russian propaganda to convince, scare, and manipulate American public opinion against support for Ukraine and or Taiwan.

There’s also a guy, retired military, open source intelligence analyst and software designer who has fought disinformation online and continues to do so. He also has his own YT channel and Substack account. Ryan McBeth.

He has a great video that he explains how nuclear weapons work. He had it peer reviewed by scientists and explains what goes on inside a nuclear bomb and a nuclear reactor at the atomic level.

Here’s his Substack article with videos within.

And I can’t remember if she spoke of nuclear winter with Shawn but she has in other interviews. She’s misguided on that subject as well, in my opinion.

Ever hear of Comrade J?

Soviet KGB officer, defector, Sergei Treyyakov (Comrade J) told of “the biggest case of disinformation ever propagated by the KGB”. “It created the myth of nuclear winter.”

“KGB director (from 1967-1982) Yuri Andropov set out to undermine NATO in the 70’s. He ordered the Soviet Academy of Science to produce a doomsday report that would describe the dire consequences that would happen across Europe if both sides (US and USSR) were firing nuclear weapons in Germany. His goal was to stop deployment of the Pershing II missiles…”

A carefully choreographed KGB campaign using Russian scientists to create the story, KGB officers distributed these false “studies” to their contacts in peace, anti nuclear disarmament, and environmental organizations in an effort to get these groups to publicize the propaganda script. Carl Sagan (an ardent anti-nuclear activist and professor at Cornell University) came across this report in the publication “Ambio-A Journal of the Human Environment”. Sagan pushed the Russian propaganda to other American scientists and it was off to the races that this was a legitimate threat. It’s all the result of Russian propaganda. Nuclear Winter is a myth.
Read actual defector literature/accounts by former KGB officer, Sergei Tretyakov “Comrade J” by Pete Earley. One of the most important Russian spies the US has had in decades.
if the day comes and the world starts launching nuclear missiles. i wanna go catch one.

i have zero plans or interest in trying to survive a nuclear winter, or global chaos where everyone is fighting and killing each other over a bottle of clean water or a can of beans.
Must be why Kamala/Joe have let 25,000+ single military age male Chinese in illegally, it's probably 100,000 since they have lied about everything else immigration related. For all we know the illegal Chinese males may out number our standing army.
if the day comes and the world starts launching nuclear missiles. i wanna go catch one.

i have zero plans or interest in trying to survive a nuclear winter, or global chaos where everyone is fighting and killing each other over a bottle of clean water or a can of b
If it comes to that, I hope I'm not to old to take it back.
Is there going to be a large scale terrorist attack(U.S.) Oct 7 or closer to the election? The FBI keeps issuing warnings to county Sheriff's depts. My sheriff is telling us to prepare.

that report is probably bogus to cover the fact that some cia or other non existent agency is going to do it.

i already said the software incident that grounded the planes 2 months ago was a test run to see if its possible to hack a moving plane and bring it down. they'll crash Trumps plane by hacking it.

they can hack anything run by computers.