Children of the Corn


Well-known member
HOMAnimated (1).gif

Standing on the edge of the standing corn strip facing west, wind from the east behind me, hoping to call one into the open picked bean field.

Turned on the caller, checked the time in the scope, 7:57, grabbed the scanner, and he was there already.

After the shot, clock showed 7:58.

Since it happened so fast, I kept the caller going.

At the 2 minute mark here comes another one from the south, & boogied out of sight to the north.

I kept looking around waiting for him to show, when #3 stepped out of the corn to my left.

So I put the smack down on him.

So again I kept the caller going, and low & behold, I spotted #2 in the corn out in front of me.

He was playing hide & seek with me, and just when I was ready to pull the trigger, he disappeared, only to bail out of the corn further out.

I thought I had a good hold, but he manage to run out of my life.

Unfortunately, my new found patience has ended up costing me several coyotes lately, this being one of them.
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I was surprised you got a shot at that last one in the open. Most of the time when I see them raising their heads, they have gotten a whiff of human scent and are getting ready to exit. You sure had some good action though, congrats.