Cartel Marque and Reprisal Authorization Act of 2025

“If” we go in with the military, I doubt it would be conventional forces and I’d really hope we’d soften them up with air strikes first. I believe it would be well thought out before that order is given.
The original video, which is now private had to do with a recently introduced bill in the Congress that would grant letters of marque and reprisal to private individuals if it became law.

To authorize the President of the United States to issue letters of marque and reprisal with respect to acts of aggression against the United States by a member of a cartel, or a member of a cartel-linked organization, or any conspirator associated with a cartel, and for other purposes.
Doubt this will go very far.
The last time the United States Congress issued a letter of Marque and Reprisal was during the War of 1812. The last time they considered it was during Andrew Jackson's administration. The Declaration of Paris is an international law signed onto by over fifty nations. Created in 1856, the United States abides by the provisions thereto. It prohibits the act of privateering. Thus, although Congress have the Constitutional authority to grant letters of Marque, they essentially cannot do so withoutviolating international law.
Last letter of Marque issued during war of 1812
The drug cartels are a force with military capability and gurilla warfighters in and of themselves I am sure. I'm guessing this law is meant to grant letters to organized private security forces or mercs and people like that.

As a side note, some are claiming that a good portion of weapons aid the Biden administraion sent to Ukriane and winding up in the hands of the the drug cartels on the southern border.