
medic joe

New member
If any of you. Or know someone who is, fighting cancer? Google/you tube; "Joe Tippin's" cancer story. Myself, I had cancer not long ago. Apparently it is gone now. So the rest is up to God. When my ticket has expired. Best wishes to you who are going through it.
a persons chances for survival (if there is one) with this horrible disease greatly depends on the doctor and their willingness to fight for you and with you.

my best friends wife was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, the doctor said, nothing we can do, go home and get things in order. this was in Erie, PA

her husband took her to the Cleveland clinic and its a good thing he did. that doctor started the initial treatment, also put them in touch with an Erie Doctor that he trained. the cleveland doctor wrote the treatment plan for the erie doctor to follow. one look at the plan and the erie doctor told them, we never would have been this aggressive ??

WHAT...what have you got to lose, that statement still scares me

anyway...its been over 4 years and she is in remission and going strong. we have to be our own advocates for our health. i know everybody is different and respond differently to the same treatments.

but always, always seek a second opinion and maybe a third but get to a specialist center like cleveland or the mayo clinic or the cancer centers of America

God Bless anyone dealing with any life threatening diseases. 🙏🙏