Calls for rabbits?

Here bunny, bunny, bunny. LOL If you could call them it would be fun. I think they get use to hearing there young get eaten and wouldnt come to a distress call.
I beg to differ. I've had quite a few rabbits come to distress calls. I watched a jackrabbit come from about 300 yards directly at me until it got about 10 yards and didn't like what it found. I don't know why they come, but they surely do come.
Thats very cool. Do you think it was coming to help out and see what was going on? Or just heard a noise and was checking it out? I will see if any bunnies come to my call when Im out coyote hunting
Im with Tony, I swear to you,in my area I cant keep the rabbits off of me. Im talking jacks here. They WILL come to a distress call but will veer off at the last minute.But I have had em run right over my legs many times.
Its actually annoying when coyote hunting because a big jack kinda looks like a coyote( really!) at a distance when its running and gets the ol heart pumping for a second or two.Actually, anything moving while calling gets my attention.
I know what you mean. The only way I knew it was a jack at 300 was I saw movement and put the scope on him. I would've sworn it was a coyote comin hard.

COJay- I don't know why they come but they have to be the dumbest animals on God's green earth. I mean if I was that low on the food chain, I wouldn't be runnin to see what was eatin one of my kin.
I dont know about calling rabbits but i know from this weekend and other times that i have had them come running in for no reason really.

Im sure the large males hang around and try and lure the danger away.

Jack Rabbits (we call them hares here) will come into a distress call. i also have seen them run in from a long way out to be only 10 metres or so out from where i am.
This is accually a very interesting thread. Being around various animals all my life, I have seen the same reaction in differant spiecies(sp?). I've seen cows come running upon hearing a bellow of pain from another cow. One time all my dogs headed for the road when one got hit by a car(it lived). I shot and wounded a magpie once and was suprised to see the rest turn around and investigate before heading out of range. So here we are making a wounded rabbit sound and wondering why they act like they do. Idon't know. But then again, why do we crane our necks out of joint when we pass the scene of a car accident. I'm sure there are psycoanalists out there that have a ready answer as to why rabbits come to the call.
I have just thought of it also but i have seen the same reaction in crows. When one is shot or injured others hang around....and this really works when the crow is having a fight with an owl...other crows come in from miles around.
Calling Jackrabbits (Hares) is very common but has anybody actually called a Rabbit. I have never seen a cottontail come or actually react much to a distress call. Well I've seen plenty of them run from a call but have also seen them not react at all.

Several of you have already responded, but what about in other countries. Do your hares respond and your rabbits not respond? I did not call much when I was in Snowshoe Hare country, so do Snowshoes respond to a calll?
I have had rabbite deer cows come runing in like they was on fire, In the 50 plus years i've been calling critters i have seen some things that are to weird to tell, and michael i will not call you
8888 and you can bet on it, have a nice day and keep your powder dry,,,,,Joe,,,,,,