Bullet splash/failure


Custom Call Maker

Well try as I might I can't find the dang video this guy stole from. If anyone knows let me know and il post it instead of this one. This is an Instagram reel so if guys can't see it I will delete the thread.
This video shows perfectly a close range bullet "splash" watch the shoulder and at the shot a massive entry is shown.
Guys in the 53vmax thread were mentioning they had never seen or had a splash and I figured this video showcases it perfectly.
Yes, I bought a case of 6000 after being humiliated by the designer boolits and friend let me try some.

I'll look for the video where I dropped a coyote with one of those fancy plastic tipped boolits... I walked up to the coyote and nudged it with my boot to find that it was still alive yet paralyzed neck down... it bit into the heel of my boot and there I was dragging a coyote around the field stuck to my foot looking like a dumb azz
Yes, I bought a case of 6000 after being humiliated by the designer boolits and friend let me try some.

I'll look for the video where I dropped a coyote with one of those fancy plastic tipped boolits... I walked up to the coyote and nudged it with my boot to find that it was still alive yet paralyzed neck down... it bit into the heel of my boot and there I was dragging a coyote around the field stuck to my foot looking like a dumb azz
Thanks for sharing & offering a super motivation to choose a bullet that is a bit more robust. Have something like this happen & the all copper projectiles like a 50 grain Hornady CX may be of interest, even at $35.00 per 50 for just the projectile.
Thanks for sharing & offering a super motivation to choose a bullet that is a bit more robust. Have something like this happen & the all copper projectiles like a 50 grain Hornady CX may be of interest, even at $35.00 per 50 for just the projectile.
No need to spend that much on new fancy bullets, go back in technology and use primitive soft point bullets. $14 for a pack of 100 or $549 for 6000.

It would be nice if more focus was emphasized on something old that worked and try to increase the ballistics even though the hornady 55gn spire point has a BC of .235 ($0.09), the Sierra 55gn game king has a BC of .250 ($0.24 each), the 55gn nosler ballistic tips have a BC of .267 ($0.26 each)

These 3 perform phenomenal and are cheap, what do people have to lose by trying something different that cost less?
When I got my first 308 Norma magnum many years ago I was having trouble finding a bullet that did not splash at 100 yards or less. I settled on Nosler partitions, so I used them exclusively for hunting. Of all the other bullets I tested, only the Hornady spire points came anywhere near the NP's in holding together.
While more expensive, I use only NBT's for predators, and either NP or Accubonds for big game. I did find the 125 gr. Hornady 87 gr. BTHP was super accurate & performed well on predators, hogs and whitetail does for culling in the 243 WSSM.
Guys in the 53vmax thread were mentioning they had never seen or had a splash and I figured this video showcases it perfectly.
Yeah that was me. Interesting enough, I believe I had my first splash today with my 6 creedmoor and the 80 grain ELD-VT. Shot was broadside at 328 yards and hit high shoulder/spine. Impact velocity should have been 2584 fps. Coyote dropped like he was stone dead. called a few more minutes and didn’t see any movement during that time.

Walked back to the truck and left my gun before going into the valley to drag him back. When I got down tho him, he was very much so alive but paralyzed on his back legs.

I dug my finger in the wound channel after finishing him off and there was no hole that I could find in the shoulder or spine. Bits of bullet frag was present though. I’m kinda surprised given the performance I’ve had with this gun and bullet combo this year.
Interesting! That looks and sounds like a bigger version of the issues I had with those 32's
Curious to hear how the 80gr eldvt have treated you and the fur otherwise.
Interesting! That looks and sounds like a bigger version of the issues I had with those 32's
Curious to hear how the 80gr eldvt have treated you and the fur otherwise.
They’ve been a hammer on coyotes. Stay off bone or else they’ll blow a big hole. The only coyote I’ve had “run” after being shot was at 790 yards. Really like this bullet so far though.
Duhh, Looks a lot like just a high hit on the spine. A few minutes inches lower would.have cured the problem. Getting close to the edges causes blow outs with just about any bullet. There is nothing vital there a broken back stopped him but nothing damaged enough to kill. I find hits like that blowing craters near the edges more.prevelent with larger cals just because there is more bullet expanding. It happens more with my 6x45, 6mm-204 and 25-204. Any bullet that leaves a large exit with good hits will leave craters when you get close to the edges.

I've only had two splashes, bothe from the same box of Rem 150gr 308 SPs. In the morning I shot a buck at 8ft the bullet left dinner plate section of hide blown away with just fragments of bullet penetrating between the ribs. Second was later in the afternoon and a doe was walking toward me at about 10.yards I shot her at the base of the neck. The bullet blew a crater in the neck, never broke the neck or penetrated into the chest cavity. I threw the rest of those cartridges in the creek and went back to my 180gr RNs
I've been shooting my 20p and 204R at night with 35 and 40 gr hp's. For the experience I'm going to throw the 22-250 barrel on my TC dimension, loaded up some Horn 52 gr Amax. If I get any splash type terminal performance, I will switch to the tried and true Nosler BT. I have heard the amax is a good coyote bullet, I will see for myself.
Duhh, Looks a lot like just a high hit on the spine. A few minutes inches lower would.have cured the problem. Getting close to the edges causes blow outs with just about any bullet. There is nothing vital there a broken back stopped him but nothing damaged enough to kill. I find hits like that blowing craters near the edges more.prevelent with larger cals just because there is more bullet expanding. It happens more with my 6x45, 6mm-204 and 25-204. Any bullet that leaves a large exit with good hits will leave craters when you get close to the edges.

I've only had two splashes, bothe from the same box of Rem 150gr 308 SPs. In the morning I shot a buck at 8ft the bullet left dinner plate section of hide blown away with just fragments of bullet penetrating between the ribs. Second was later in the afternoon and a doe was walking toward me at about 10.yards I shot her at the base of the neck. The bullet blew a crater in the neck, never broke the neck or penetrated into the chest cavity. I threw the rest of those cartridges in the creek and went back to my 180gr RNs
I thought it was a bit high too but I was surprised I couldn’t find anymore of a hole in him. I didn’t do a great job of opening him up for a picture but there’s definitely bullet frag in there but no definitive hole or major fragmented bone.

I’ve had positive experiences with this bullet thus far so I’ll keep plugging away with it.

Well try as I might I can't find the dang video this guy stole from. If anyone knows let me know and il post it instead of this one. This is an Instagram reel so if guys can't see it I will delete the thread.
This video shows perfectly a close range bullet "splash" watch the shoulder and at the shot a massive entry is shown.
Guys in the 53vmax thread were mentioning they had never seen or had a splash and I figured this video showcases it perfectly.

whelp...that video doesn't show didly squat, but you're right... whoever runs that channel is a POS
Yeah that was me. Interesting enough, I believe I had my first splash today with my 6 creedmoor and the 80 grain ELD-VT. Shot was broadside at 328 yards and hit high shoulder/spine. Impact velocity should have been 2584 fps. Coyote dropped like he was stone dead. called a few more minutes and didn’t see any movement during that time.

Walked back to the truck and left my gun before going into the valley to drag him back. When I got down tho him, he was very much so alive but paralyzed on his back legs.

I dug my finger in the wound channel after finishing him off and there was no hole that I could find in the shoulder or spine. Bits of bullet frag was present though. I’m kinda surprised given the performance I’ve had with this gun and bullet combo this year. View attachment 13825View attachment 13826
Can you really consider it a splash if it penetrated enough to break the spine?
Can you really consider it a splash if it penetrated enough to break the spine?
Idk I’ve never had or seen a splash before haha. I guess I should reframe from outright saying it’s a splash and the end result ended in a dead coyote. However, I would say that this performance is not typical from this rifle bullet combo, in my experience so far. I’ve hit some other coyotes similarly with this same combo and had small entrances and huge exits. I’ve got some posts in the 80 eldvt thread on here.

Guess I posted it up here because I was one of the people that had never seen a splash before then got this result. Only a sample size of 1 though.