Black Locust Burl & Horn


Active member
One of my hunting buddies is a burl hound. He called and asked if Black locust burl was any good... I'll let ya'll be the judge of that one. This call has a Black Locust burl barrel with a Buffalo Horn bead. I followed it up with an O-ring fitted Buffalo horn toneboard. Both pieces have my CA finish inside out Buffed and polished to a very high gloss. I've signed it (Yotehntr) inside the barrel under the finish. I'm asking $85 TYD.

To show the burl "eye's"

Thank you guys! I love the eys's in this stuff!
Well... I was out of town for three days, caught this one right after you posted it and I was scheduled to leave before sunrise the next morning. Swore if it was still here when I got back I was going to have it, and forgot all about it between 40 odd hours in 3 days, battling grumpy bees and heat exhaustion, but since it is still here... You want to send me your PayPal address Brad! It needs a home in my call cabinet.