Best way to ask permission to hunt?


New member
Hey all, I was wanting some advice on approaching the general manager of a MASSIVE cattle ranch in my area to coyote hunt. I’m new to asking for permission to hunt, I tried calling a few places and have been told each time to pound sand. However this place is the big one for me and I really want to give myself the best chance of success. Do yall think I ought to show up at this ranch’s main office, write a letter, email, or call and ask for the GM. The main advantage for a letter or email I think is that it would be easier for me to qualify myself as I was raised in the same church as the GM and have done some land development work on their property in the past and present, and to maybe mention the firearms and hunter safety training I received. However I could call and ask for the fella, or possibly show up at their office and maybe have a letter to leave for the GM if he’s not in. What do yall think? Getting permission here would be a dream come true for me and I’m really starting to overthink it.
I've read, to wear street cloths, not camo. Introduce yourself and state your business. If a conversation starts then maybe tell them about yourself. Last time I asked for permission the conversation was pretty short. he said "NO".
Hey all, I was wanting some advice on approaching the general manager of a MASSIVE cattle ranch in my area to coyote hunt. I’m new to asking for permission to hunt, I tried calling a few places and have been told each time to pound sand. However this place is the big one for me and I really want to give myself the best chance of success. Do yall think I ought to show up at this ranch’s main office, write a letter, email, or call and ask for the GM. The main advantage for a letter or email I think is that it would be easier for me to qualify myself as I was raised in the same church as the GM and have done some land development work on their property in the past and present, and to maybe mention the firearms and hunter safety training I received. However I could call and ask for the fella, or possibly show up at their office and maybe have a letter to leave for the GM if he’s not in. What do yall think? Getting permission here would be a dream come true for me and I’m really starting to overthink it.

You talk to him in person, dressed nice, introduce yourself with your hand extended apologizing for taking their time, get to the point, use Sir and be respectful, make it about helping them by removing the predators, mention that you are a safe hunter that would never shoot near livestock
or buildings. By now you should be able to read the room and know if it's going anywhere or not.

Do not do what most do and knock on the door asking if they allow hunting, or worse yet call them on the phone. Thats an easy quick no.
How many private ranches do you have sole permissions ??

I knock on doors every chance I get!

Most of my permissions come from contacts I already have and they lead me in the right direction.

I ask them if they know said rancher, is the rancher open to coyote hunting etc??

* I got a contact card from one of my ranches Saturday night, I called the guy who has a strategic ranch that I can get on and then call some bigger properties to the West. Wind here is usually NW or West.

I called this guy and we spoke for about 20 minutes, he was perplexed with Coyote hunting, nobody has ever asked him.

Middle of the conversation the guy told me his wife passed a year ago from cancer, has 3 sons in IT and has a room for us if we ever need to stay.

854 acres of nice canyons, he says he is seeing coyotes daily.

I just sent this guy a picture on my OnX asking him who leased it, 642 acres and it connects North of his land and it is a rancher I already have permission on.

We were going to meet him yesterday but the weather turned and it was getting late as we were already 2+ hours from home.

We killed 8 for 8 yesterday

I have 150+ ranches I hunt in Colorado and Nebraska. Only other people hunting Coyotes on them are trespassing!

I know each and every rancher and I have a relationship with every single one of them.


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Boys, I'm going to lay some wisdom on you.

When I find a piece of property I want to hunt, I will approach the owner and ask for permission, and i get a yes 7/10 times. If they say no, I leave my phone number with them on a business card, (stay tuned to find out why they'll need it), and I'll thank them and leave. The next night, about midnight, I'll sneak into whatever cover I can find, as close to their house as I can get, and I'll start playing group howls at max volume. If the lights don't come on, I'll play fights, kitten cries, you name it. If they come outside, I shut it off. When they go back in, I'll wait for the lights to go out, give them 10-15 minutes to get comfortable, then give it to them with both barrels.

They usually call the next day, but some people need a couple of visits. Anyways, I'm hunting every farm I want. I’ve got a hundred thousand acres.
Boys, I'm going to lay some wisdom on you.

When I find a piece of property I want to hunt, I will approach the owner and ask for permission, and i get a yes 7/10 times. If they say no, I leave my phone number with them on a business card, (stay tuned to find out why they'll need it), and I'll thank them and leave. The next night, about midnight, I'll sneak into whatever cover I can find, as close to their house as I can get, and I'll start playing group howls at max volume. If the lights don't come on, I'll play fights, kitten cries, you name it. If they come outside, I shut it off. When they go back in, I'll wait for the lights to go out, give them 10-15 minutes to get comfortable, then give it to them with both barrels.

They usually call the next day, but some people need a couple of visits. Anyways, I'm hunting every farm I want. I’ve got a hundred thousand acres.
I’m gonna call BS! C’mon man!

Every ranch I hunt has Coyotes howling near the house every night,
I have left cards in the past, rarely did I ever get a call back.

I don’t leave cards anymore, I will give them to the rancher once I have permission.
Ha!…Oh man!… If I thought that would work here in NY without getting lead flying my way or farm dogs set loose, I might give it a go! Lol.

Still think I’ll stick with tactics along the lines of what BBK said.

@FlySlanger … Once you have a few properties and you don’t screw things up, word of mouth from your landowners becomes a huge asset in obtaining more ground. Never be afraid to offer to lend a hand or be available if ever they could use any special skills you may have. You gotta get a good read on their personality as well. Some folks don’t want to be bothered. Others want to grab your ear and chat for days! Choose your grounds wisely! Lol.

Good luck!
Ask in person and straight to the point. People will want to read YOU and measure you up. Most land owners have their mind already made up (as a general rule). If you're sincere, ain't full of BS and lucky you got a shot. Way to many land owners have had bad experiences with so called hunters.
dont be afraid to ask if the property is posted, especially if they have chickens or sheep. a lot of posted property is for deer hunting and those landowners wont want coyotes around.
Ask in person and straight to the point. People will want to read YOU and measure you up. Most land owners have their mind already made up (as a general rule). If you're sincere, ain't full of BS and lucky you got a shot. Way to many land owners have had bad experiences with so called hunters.
Yep, and even if you are told no, tell them that you appreciate them taking the time to speak with you, and that you respect their decision. Sometimes just a little respect goes a long way. I've turned a couple around with small talk.
Just make sure you are talking to person in charge of the property. If the gm can grant permission, go that route(same church connection I used a lot as long as he has actually seen you there).
Think it’s been said, but word of mouth goes a long way! I don’t know if it works for thermal hunting, but I have to turn down properties every year for trapping. Only so much time before and after work!
As a coyote hunter I understand the need for permission. As a rancher, nothing is more annoying than someone coming to your place when you're not expecting it or you're right in the middle of something. I probably have 20 guys a year pull in to ask for permission to hunt, never at a good time, and it takes time out of my day. Call or email first and if they are interested, set up a time to meet that is convenient for them. Knocking on my door, or pulling in here without an pre arranged time is a automatic no, no matter what you're asking or selling.
A lot of the big time farmers like that will have a casting couch for hunters. Perform well on it and he’ll be happy to let you hunt and have you back again