Best Sub $800 Suppressor

Marc Johnston

New member
I’m looking into the best multi cal suppressor in the $800 range (before tax stamp). I’m going to use it on a .223 and 6arc. I have found some recommendations but I’m checking to see what everyone likes in that price range. Thank you!
Thanks for the recommendations guys, I really appreciate it! The DDC Wolf Hunter looks like a solid option for me. I’ve got some time to make a decision. I have a 1 year old son, would you guys recommend doing a trust? I’m not 100% sure how easy this process is. This will be my first one.
I have a DDC Enticer L and I am very pleased with it. So far I have tried it on both my 6 arc bolt rifles and my 6.5cm bolt rifle. The 6 arc's are stupid quite. The 6.5 is very quite as well.

Unless you just want one now I'd wait and see what the proposed bill on suppressors is going to do. It stands a good chance of being passed. A lot of companies have a waiting list right now anyway.
I have a DDC Enticer L and I am very pleased with it. So far I have tried it on both my 6 arc bolt rifles and my 6.5cm bolt rifle. The 6 arc's are stupid quite. The 6.5 is very quite as well.

Unless you just want one now I'd wait and see what the proposed bill on suppressors is going to do. It stands a good chance of being passed. A lot of companies have a waiting list right now anyway.
When is this vote taking place? Everything I looked at had said with the current administration and what they control it won’t be going to a vote any time soon.
Being negative, I don't see the gooberment ever turning loose of $200 for a stamp. I have doubts a bill like that will ever pass. I hope I'm totally wrong on this.
I took the approach of ownership transfer easibility... I would rather, even if the government gets rid of the draconian practice, to have all my nifty tools in one place, and so I have all my NFA and Non NFA items in my trust. Makes transfer very specific and easy when the time comes. I don't care much about the time delay so using a trust wasn't an issue. If I was doing it for business, and I'm the only one handling them, individual all day long.
NO democrat/socialist will ever support the constitution (especially 1st,2nd and 4th amendments) as written or as they take an oath to protect. The very existence and agenda of any non Republican party is to weaken,remove and destroy the constitutional republic. Socialism CAN'T govern a population with written INDIVIDUAL god given rights. One of the reasons dem governors shutdown church gatherings during covid, they wanted to(and did) suspend 1st amendment rights.
I have a Q half Nelson that is titanium and been very happy with it. It is right at $800. I also have a Yankee Hill resonator I think the R2. It was $600 when I got it. Not as light as the half Nelson but just as quiet. Been happy with both of them.
So I bought two through silencer central and they said it would be like 6 to 8 months on a trust. My suggestion would be to buy one as soon as possible because if the communist get elected they just might go away. That's why I bought two, I am a premium member of hunt onx and got a free tax stamp also.