Bait pile visitors


Active member
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Seattle all in one pic!!

I need to get some cameras, I had one before and gave it away.

Ive got one male cat I like a lot and he wont eat or mess around with anything inside so I let him in. Yesterday I open the window for him to jump in and he was a horrible stinking mess. He got in a fight with another cat on top of the bait pile and it must have been some type of pi$$ing battle because the cat was covered in urine. What a nightmare, I threw him outside right away and my place smelled like rotten meat and horrible pee all last night. They could have been rolling in the frozen rotten bladder or something, it was a gnarly stink.
My bait "pile". (as viewed thru my scope) Road kills hung in a tree on the opposite side of a lake 153 yards away from my "stand". I piled the branches and brush behind the carcasses so they would have to come out front to eat otherwise they just hid behind the trees and carcass. Visitor pics to follow (some of them are no longer with us)

Many years ago there was a road kill deer next to a busy 2 lane out in the country, there was a big red tailed hawk setting on it feedingā€™ up to that point I never knew that, upon reflection and reading no animal will pass up a free meal. Reckon we are the same way
Many years ago there was a road kill deer next to a busy 2 lane out in the country, there was a big red tailed hawk setting on it feedingā€™ up to that point I never knew that, upon reflection and reading no animal will pass up a free meal. Reckon we are the same way
I've seen it many times Mike.....