Another Big boar this morning


Staff member
Yesterday was the gun opener for deer hu ting on our lease. I was walking into my stand well before first light and have to walk past one of my 2 feeders on stand. As I got to the feeder I hear a “shoosh” in the bushes behind the feeder. I knew it was one or more hogs that probably hear my steps. I slipped on by and got into my stand. 30-40 minutes later as it was getting light the feeders went off, and I saw a large boar come out at the feeder I had to walk by. He had been laying up waiting for the his breakfast.

It was low light and he was wary and before I could settle the crosshairs he spooked back into the brush. Then a few minutes later he came back out. I made the shot and I heard thr hit, but he dropped behind so grass where I could see him, but I was sure that was what happened. I sat another 3 hours Ann’s saw a few deer and one buck that slipped by but couldn’t make out for sure what size of buck he was.

Then I got down for for the morning. I took a heart girth measurement to approximate we eight and Tom the requisite picture.

The measurement was 40 inches which equates to 200 pounds on my chart. I would guess he may have been closer to 180 but I didn’t weigh to check the accuracy of the method.


I checked my cameras before I left and this boar had been frequent morning visitor for about the past week. There is a bigger boar that has been coming to the same feeder but only at night.

I came back for an evening hu t but only saw a couple of does and fawn.

If the big one doesn’t slip up and show in daylight I may have to make a thermal sit.