A way to spend my Easy Money question?


OK let's start with "easy Money"
I've been supplementing my extracurricular budget

By working security work for a big security company.

I do some fill-in work for the full-timers. But mostly I do "Extra" events. 90% is overnight stuff. Like when a business's fire suppuration system goes down I do fire watch, or an event in our event arena. I watch the Stuff when everyone is gone. Some assignments are 10 to 16-hour shifts. All I have to do is be there, mostly I watch movies or YouTube all night. It's crazy stupid money. I work only the stuff I want to and as much as I want, normally only 4 or 5 assignments a month. June July and the first part of August are packed with fun "work". I do our state fair overnight this is my big pay shifts. I feel this is almost FREE money to me. I put 30% into my "Gas" card for hunting and whatever I want to do. So that's my extra money.
In the past I have bought guns/ammo, truck add-ons, tools, ext. Normally at the end of the year what I have leftover I put into the household budget.

This year I'm planning on getting a Garmin Chrono.

https://www.amazon.com/Garmin-Chron...inkCode=df0&hvadid=693639835604&hvpos=&hvnetw = g&hvrand=6978468739913177735&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvq mt =&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9021224&h vt argid=pla-2295119493318&psc=1&mcid=87151b4e599e3b5695e998bc4 ce2a0f4&gad_source=1

A Garmin 010-02038-02 DriveSmart 65, Built-In Voice-Controlled GPS Navigator with 6.95” High-Res Display

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MN61RKT/?coliid=I27ER1ES26FJ2F&colid=1QU6XXWE52Z0V&ref_=li st_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1

My current Nuvi is 25 years old and quite outdated, so it's time.

Now the questionable one.

I'm thinking about getting a FREQ, the Ultrasonic Game Call,

It's a lot of money, But no more than I would spend on a good Coyote rifle and scope.

At $2000 I'm hesitant, but it's with my EASY money so it's an easier decision. I have done a LOT of research on Ultrasonic sounds for calling animals and in my mind, it should work.
I don't know but I think I want to try it.
I know I SHOULD save all the Easy Money for a year and buy a thermal vision scope but, maybe next year...

What do you think?
You don’t have a thermal? Thermal was my first buy. Then a new rifle, which has now become 3 new rifles. And then a new caller. And will probably get another caller.
My trapping, thermal kills, kennel cleaning, helping on quail hunts, money is my “play” or easy money. I make an envelope for things I “want” with the totals on each envelope and when it’s reached, I spend, lol.

If night hunting is legal in your state, I’d go with the thermal first. But…it can be addictive. I now have 2 thermals, lol.

As far as a GPS, I’ve found OnX to be a better choice “for me”. I can download anywhere in the US I want and make offline maps if there’s no service when I get there. You may want to look into that…think I pay $99 a year for the entire US and that’s just because I travel to turkey hunt.

The “Freq” calls I know nothing about except what’s been discussed here and I don’t remember them being any superior to a regular e-caller from the conversations.
The Freq game calls are not getting very good reviews. I’ve heard reports from various predator hunters on Podcasts that have tried them and nobody has been impressed.

I would say 100% buy a 640 thermal if you dont yet have one.

OnX hunts is one of those apps you wont know how you lived without it once you’ve used it.
I would buy the GPS over Onx maps. I had the Onx and found a lot of outdated satellite views. They were several years old. Subdivisions that had been built. When I contacted them I was told they just didn’t have the time to keep things up to date. I use the Garmin BaseMap instead.
I have onX, a great tool. I need my GPS for navigation in my car/truck.
I have a handheld GPS, that does have onx too, but it can't navigate with the chip in.
Thermal is legal here, I'm just not a fan of night hunting.
The Freq call is new yet, I'm sure the other brands are looking into them.
OnX has offline maps that can be down loaded where there is a signal and used where their isn’t. A destination on Google Maps can be loaded where there’s a signal and drive you there without one.
Trust me, I sit here I SWGA and plan my trips months and even a year in advance with my routes saved and all the places I want to hunt saved. It makes no difference if I don’t have a signal while I’m there, I can still go anywhere I want and even save routes and even create waypoints.