a poke for me


Well-known member
BTW zero was still good after the tripod fall Thurs night. Don't know if that is a testament to or combination of Pulsar, EGW rail, Vortex rings, or soft earth but I was happy.
4th set of the night. Had a fox (target animal of this set as it is a chicken house raider) respond but down winded me in the thick and retreated in set 1. Had coyotes respond 2ce in the 3rd set but the second time they were still in the woods and almost downwind so we know how that ended.

Set 4 has me on a ridge pasture/meadow between 2 finger hollows with the main hollow running NW to SE. I am facing basically E with a NE drift and the call 60-70 to my NE. At my second howl I get a pr answer behind me and in a finger hollow leading to the main ridge to my W. They are 800-1000yds and at that iffy response range for here. Anyhow, as I am scanning around and look back, I see 2 dots appear on the crest. Sure enough, they are coming my way as I play Ico 'foreplay'. I reposition. They come and then get out of sight as they cross a US highway and are in the bottom of the finger hollow N of me. Now I am a little panic stricken because if they come straight to me, they will be 'in my lap' when I see them because of the contour. Scanning frantically with 'record' on I see zip so I scan wider and there they are going up the far ridge of the finger hollow! Well shit. I howl once and the back one stops then starts again. I change sound to a pup scream, and he looks and turns 90* and is on his way.
He is committing but is soon going to have a treetop between us and will be out of sight in the hollow and I thought of something Alf said recently about when they are coming and what might go wrong, so I barked him stopped, got as settled as I get and let drive. I had 'scaled' him with my reticle when he stopped by the cows in the vid and thought it to be less than 300 then so figured around 250 as a pure guess. Onx said 237y. 12:22 28min into set. Stayed for another 20 hoping to draw the other back but no dice.
Drove 8 miles to another farm but had no action--in bed at 3:35. I am getting too old for these hours :ROFLMAO:.
