A Foxpro Hellcat Pro Question


I am going to order a new FP and was weighing between an x24 and a hellcat pro. Due to weight Im going for the lighter weight model. My question is I know that this has a lithium battery back and last about 7 hours on a charge. Can I use regular batteries in this unit as well as the rechargeable lithiums?
I think you can but you will need the battery cradle for that model, I don't know if it comes with one or you have to buy separate.
The Hellcat Pro is a good little caller, my neighbor has one and it works great has all the volume needed for calling here in PA, I know some will say it does not the volume they like but do you think they will come in from 10 miles away.
Good question on the batteries, I have a HellCat pro and when I bought it I just went ahead and also ordered an extra battery pack for a back up just in case I needed it out in the field but I never have yet, I love the call and it is extremely light and sounds very good. My partner has an X-24 and a lucky duck but 9 out of 10 times we are using the HellCat Pro.not necessarily because it's that much better just because it's so light and easier to pack into stands.šŸ˜. Bottom line is you just have to get one you're going to be happy with. My main reasons for getting the HellCat Pro were price at the time I bought it, it being so lightweight and I knew it would do more than I needed it to here in North West Pa. Good luck to you I'm sure which ever way you decide to go you will be happy with either call.šŸ‘
Good question on the batteries, I have a HellCat pro and when I bought it I just went ahead and also ordered an extra battery pack for a back up just in case I needed it out in the field but I never have yet, I love the call and it is extremely light and sounds very good. My partner has an X-24 and a lucky duck but 9 out of 10 times we are using the HellCat Pro.not necessarily because it's that much better just because it's so light and easier to pack into stands.šŸ˜. Bottom line is you just have to get one you're going to be happy with. My main reasons for getting the HellCat Pro were price at the time I bought it, it being so lightweight and I knew it would do more than I needed it to here in North West Pa. Good luck to you I'm sure which ever way you decide to go you will be happy with either call.šŸ‘
Thanks for the answer. I do alot of guiding and have to hike way in the backcountry. So I liked the louder and smaller hellcat pro.