A couple this week


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Tried to combine these 2 but had trouble.
The first, I took Marlin out again Monday and he got his 4th coyote. Big male 18min into the first set with den vicious as the closer. We were facing W with the call ~60y to our NNW and the wind from the NW. I got a glimpse of him coming at about 500y across the hollow E of us and told Marlin. Took him quite a while to show up and as you can see, he definitely was trying to get down wind. The 204 dumped him at about 100yds.
We made 2 more sets that night and called 2 but they would not come closer than 260 so no shots were taken. They acted as if they were committing, got behind some foliage at the head of the hollow and the next time we saw them they were 300. They will be hunted again!

Weds. night I was alone and planned on 3-5 sets but the first lasted almost 2hrs so it was one and done. As I was walking in, they lit up across the hollow6-800yds away with a couple houses between us. Wind is quartering into me from about my 1:30 and they are about my 12:30.
I howled on the 'critter caller" a couple times, 2-3 min quiet, howled on the diaphragm a few times, they answered. Quiet for 10 or so minutes then a pr howl. Quiet again. Played a couple of pup fights and in the second one they answered from just a couple hundred from my 10:00. I let it play for just a little bit more and went quiet at 42min. Killed this old guy at 54min.
I could tell there was at least 3 different howls so stayed in set for another hour (did move behind me about 150yds at one point), and they would not break cover but occasionally would let me know that they hadn't left.

Thats pretty sweet Mike. Way to grind it out and get it done. Given too much more time, that 2nd one was going to need his meals ran through a blender! Lol…