6mm arc


New member
what is the advantage of using like a Vmax bullet over a ELD-X bullet the coyote I shot with the ELD-X was drt and did not move destroyed everything in the vitals? I am just asking what is the advantage on coyotes is it worth working up a load for a 75gr vmax just for coyotes then have my 103eldx for everything else
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Bullets like the Vmax are designed for rapid expansion and even rapid fragmentation. They are designed to expand and dump all of their energy within the first inch or so. They are designed for smaller think skinned game such as coyotes, bobcats, ground hogs, etc.

Bullets like the ELD-X are going to be more solid, "tougher" bullets that are designed to retain more weight that aids in penetration. They will start to expand a little further in. Deer, hogs, etc.
well for one...

103 eld-x are roughly $0.50 each.

75gr vmax are $0.33 each... so theres that

87gr vmax are $0.34 each....

roughly speaking the vmax are about 35% cheaper than the eld-x. for higher volume shooters, that add's up over time.

and as mentioned above, do you really need to pay that extra to anchor a coyote? no denying any of those 3 bullets are gonna do the job. Save the eld-x for tougher stuff, where penetration is critical

i suppose if you're firing 20 rounds of the stuff a year, who really cares? i know $3.50 for the season is gonna stop me from doing my thing..... but you get where i'm coming from.
I'd shoot the bullet that was most accurate and performed the best on game. Might have to try several types. Worry about the cost later. A lot of folks like Speer bullets and they are usually about the cheapest bullet you can buy. They have never met my accuracy standards so I don't use them.YMMV
that’s what I was thinking I like the accuracy of the eld-x outta my rifle and that I will not have to have different drop charts and I do not have to sight in my rifle between seasons I shoot that load longer range so I know what it’s doing I don’t see the need to make a new load just for coyote that I have to remember to change my drops
I have a "custom" Mauser and it shot decent with a 139 grain Hornady SP. I switched to the 143 ELD-X and the groups shrunk almost in half. The ELD-X is supposed to be a hunting bullet so we shall see when I get a chance to try it out on a deer.
I have had really good luck with the eldx out of my 6.5 creed and 6 arc I have shot deer pigs antelope and elk with great results good expansion and went threw the shoulder of the elk I shot on the exit
I'm very interested in this elk story. Please understand that I do not doubt you, I'd just like to hear how it went down. I'm currently planning on shooting all big game with a 6cm until I can find a reason not to. I love the 6arc, been shooting it since it landed, just haven't heard many stories about animals larger than whitetail.
cow elk 350 yards little quartering away shot hit right behind the front shoulder and came out the other shoulder she went about 4 steps and toppled over then the work began I am shooting a savage 110 tactical 18 inch barrel in a mdt chassis 103 eldx with varget powder rifles a tac driver