2 morning coyote


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Got to the farm at first light, let things settle down a few minutes before starting my soft dying rabbit sound.
After about 5 mins a coyote comes from over my shoulder (far right) and looks like she is going to run right through the set. I WOLF at her to stop and take the 110 yd shot. She runs over the hill and lose sight of her quickly. No real reaction to the shot so thinking I may have missed šŸ™

I continue playin dying rabbit on and off for another 20 minutes before I think about packing it up but before I do, I go for a walk over the hill just incase I did hit the coyote. I go about 70 yds over the hill before I spot the coyote dead just by the fence line šŸ™‚ Awesome.......

I take a few pictures and make my way back to my setup. I decide not to go to another farm but instead try calling again. Its been about an hour since I first arrived.
So I start off again with a soft dying rabbit sound and after about 5 minutes this second coyote comes out (from the bush area I was originally watching). He was coming in on a string to the caller, worrying about the wind, I stopped him with a loud WOLF sound at about 70 yds or so and took the shot.

Dragged him over to the other coyote for the double header pic




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Nicely done! I have never tried calling the same spot that soon but obviously it can work. Looks like you guys are having as mild of winter as we are.
Outstanding! This kinda illustrates the importance of sitting a few after you decide to quit calling. Nice shooting.
Nice. Enjoyed the story and photos. I had a similar thing happen earlier this season, shot and it ran over the hill. I found it just as it was entering the brush line. I searched for a while before finding it. Reiterated my thoughts of thoroughly searching, just in case.