2 Closed reeds - Moose Ring or Musk Ox Ring


Custom Call Maker
Hand Call 1 - Can be voiced in Cougar Whistle, or prey distress.
Amboyna and Bocote laminate with bands of Moose and Cape Buffalo.
$65 delivers in the US.

473689653_1122470616338881_2446120107189776463_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr

473726546_1122470626338880_5814484217037893835_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr

473728093_1122470656338877_3020895665375331465_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr

Hand Call 2 - Can be voiced in Cougar Whistle, or prey distress.
Amboyna and Bocote laminate with Musk Ox and Cape Buffalo bands.
$75 delivers in the US.

474529376_1122472853005324_1606189981957627231_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr

473727773_1122472963005313_6140341535597520913_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr

474595589_1122472866338656_3887548277353433320_n by Steve Tormala, on Flickr

Thanks for looking!
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Very nice looking calls! No idea what "cougar whistle" sounds like? Not a Northeast staple sound? Lol... Curious if you a have a video or sound file of your calls? Craftsmanship is apparent. Just not sure it's something that would benefit me up/over here in NY? Thanks for posting . Beautiful work!
There are several examples of the Cougar Whistle on youtube, it sounds a LOT like a Northern Flicker, then has lots of variations into the catlike sounds.

I can also voice the closed reed calls with distress, same body, different voice. I don't voice them until they're purchased. I do a custom blade job that can do an excellent fawn, a raspy jack, and a screaming cottontail all dependent on the volume and technique blown into them.
Steve, ill take number 2 in distress if you dont mind waiting for me to get home from alaska to send payment. Hopefully home on the 31st, but maybe later. Might miss a weather window to cross the gulf tomorrow