Rescued H&R M12 from Cali


Well-known member
My new to me 22lr came in. Had a 36f light wind morning so sight in and shot at 100 yards. Norma tac22 black box ammo. May try some trigger and stock work. Upper/lower right 100 yards.
That's great. Did you have a clue beforehand as to what ammo the rifle liked, or did you just get lucky? (y)
Years ago, I had a mod. 52 that liked CCI Green Tag better than all the higher priced stuff, but it took lots of range time to find what it liked.
My BIL has 2 M12's both shoot the Norma black box tac22 very well at 100 yards. So I had hoped this one would also. I'm not paying 10-15$ or more a box for rimfire(Lapua,SK). I may, pillar/bed the stock/action. Also discussing cyro treating the barrel/receiver. I set the trigger at 18 oz, that may need some lowering. I will need to find a set of international sights then I can shoot both matches. Purchased this one from California Gun Services.
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The International sights are getting hard to find, or at least they were when I was shooting up to 2000.
Sold the rifle, scope complete w/Internationl sights back then for about what the scope is worth today.

That rifle sure taught me a lot! :love:
A friend who is a collector/shooter told me he has a set. I didn't want to show high interest, will try and buy them reasonably. I'm hoping the new rifle/practicing with it will help counter the reduced centerfire shooting (from supply chain issues) that I have had the last couple years.
I shot HP rifle competition for 25 years. Always thought smallbore was easy........until a friend got me interested in 50/100 yard smallbore around year 22..........highpower scores increased noticeably. Little to no recoil lets you see mistakes concealed by recoil. Dryfiring helps but smallbore helps a lot. You'll see a big difference.
WOW, I just looked on ebay and as I suspected, they have gone up.....a bunch. We used to find them around $100 for a good repeatable sight. I had 3 at one time but have let them go as I sold off my target rifles. Have only one left.

Here is an auction for 3 right now, 1 day, 21 hrs to go. Don't understand, ad says 3 Internationals, which they show, but picture also has an Olympic in it?? Current bid is only $130. Of course it will speed up near cutoff.
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Those are model 75 sights, one Lyman. No international/Olympic. Windage adjustment not correct.
Good catch, Mike. Since they said they were Internationals and it's been so long since I had a Mod. 75 I didn't notice the windage knob on opposite side. Never owned an Olympic but knew they had two mounting holes so figured that was the odd one in picture.