Foxpro TX1000 remote complaints

Is there an ecaller remote that I wouldn't need my reading glasses to see in the dark? Honestly that's why I haven't upgraded, purchased a new one. That and I hate taking my flight gloves off, wear them under insulated leather choppers to run the remote.
Is there an ecaller remote that I wouldn't need my reading glasses to see in the dark? Honestly that's why I haven't upgraded, purchased a new one. That and I hate taking my flight gloves off, wear them under insulated leather choppers to run the remote.

Depends on how old your eyes are! I'm currently 1.50 blind but I can read the font on the Icotec and the Lucky Luckyduck, they are noticeable bigger font.

IMO all the brands could improve on the font size and make the remote screens larger.
Yes, I've had noticed the same issues, and I wish they would add a door/flap (open/close) to cover the screen at night to prevent the light from silhouetting me and equipment. Of, course, I do use a towel to cover it when in the tripod cradle/holder.
I forgot to mention the Fox Bang. I love the feature, however, even on the lowest sensitivity setting it doesn't go off 90% of the time when suppressed, never fails to trip if I bumped it with my monocular which is why I have it in the cradle on the tripod.
Is there an ecaller remote that I wouldn't need my reading glasses to see in the dark? Honestly that's why I haven't upgraded, purchased a new one. That and I hate taking my flight gloves off, wear them under insulated leather choppers to run the remote.
well, my readers are 1.5 and most of the time I don't carry them to the field. Seems like the 1000 works for me without glasses. I'm pretty used to the button layout so that's not an issue. I use a two piece turkey decoy metal stake to elevate my call, lot a times I'll put it out 75+ yards without issue.
I'm going to try something different and attach my remote to my tripod when on a stand. I took a "small piece" of velcro on the tripod and remote. I'll cover the display light with my hand, and then hang it on the tripod. We'll see
tx1000 remote.jpg
I wear safety glasses with the built in readers to read the remote. They are durable.. light and I just slide them to the top of my head when I don't need to use them.
Is there an ecaller remote that I wouldn't need my reading glasses to see in the dark? Honestly that's why I haven't upgraded, purchased a new one. That and I hate taking my flight gloves off, wear them under insulated leather choppers to run the remote.
My bifocals are +2.25 and I can make out (though it is fuzzy) the font on my Icotec remote w/o glasses.
Have you used any other modern non-FoxPro remote? I guess that Alpha Dogg remote spoiled me. You'd think buying a flagship caller like 10 years later you'd get a better remote. Nope.
No, I had a POS call when I fist started to get into it and 3 FoxPros since then. I've had no issues with the TX1000 and have no desire to change at this point.
I have a cover on mine that someone on this forum made(10-15 years ago or whenever the 1000 came out) and no issues.It has a clear front(poly??) to see through and still allows easy button movement.Luv it.Zero 'range issues.Never used an A Dog but have tried most others and the 1000 clearly superior.(WT,L Duck,etc)
I'm in the same boat as those above. I started with an older foxpro remote and the 1000 is far superior. Yes, ive opened my bag to find it turned on but its the best remote ive seen regardless of the few "flaws".
I have many of the same gripes with the TX1000, but none of the problems really bothered me enough to want to change. I have been really pleased with the range I get out of mine, normally less than 50 yards from the caller. But have used it in some situations at over 100 yards with no issue. I do wish for a font size option in the menu, where I could make the font bigger as I get older.